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Been here for a bit forgot to introduce myself

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:50 pm
by Dewey
Howdy yall been here a couple months and figured I would introduce myself. I did not play WOW until they came out with the classic and some friends talked me into giving it a try. Needless to say I got hooked big time. Did not do a lot of raiding as the guild I raided with disbanded after only a couple weeks or so of me joining. I dont know a lot about raids just kinda followed along and asked questions on discord chat. I played mainly a Mage then. I now have a 80 Paladin here which I have no idea what I am doing with it but I have fun. I do have a 78 frost mage which is a different play type then classic was. I have a couple other toons that I am leveling up as well. So just a bit of my back story of WOW. Thanks for running this server I am really enjoying it. Forgot to say I play on the Horde side.

Re: Been here for a bit forgot to introduce myself

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:54 am
by clunkwhack
Love this!!!!
Strands Game