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*potential* key logger threat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:21 am
by buradinn
This is in absolutely no way pointing the finger or confirming that this is true, I'm just putting 2 and 2 together and hoping to make 4. Also apologies if this is in the wrong forum (I couldn't find anywhere to contact support directly)

Yesterday I signed up to this site to download the client. I already had an account but it kept saying it was invalid, so thinking it had been deleted due to inactivity I created a new account.
When I logged in with my newly created account, I had notifications of a reply to a previous forum post (on my old account). I thought this was strange, but thought nothing further of it.
Today I receive a 'spam' email clearly stating my name (email address prefix) and the password I used to log in. This password has only been used on this site, to my knowledge, so it's the only way I can think that my password could be revealed to me.

I know spam is spam, and I am fully aware of the intentions of spam emails but it's concerning that my password has been logged somewhere and is available for distribution.

As stated above, I am in absolutely no way confirming that this is a direct effect from my account creation. But please look in to it.

Re: *potential* key logger threat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:06 am
by kuurtjes
Did you already scan your computer for malware? I would do that first.

This could also be a problem of WoW-Mania. Database could have been hacked. User details dumped and abused. They use software that has been used as an attack vector before so it's possible. (phpBB)

Re: *potential* key logger threat

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:02 am
by buradinn
Yes I did a malware scan and full Norton system scan. Came up clean.

Will be interesting to see I anyone else has had a similar thing.