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Calendar related suggestions.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:03 pm
First-day-of-week suggestion:
I've noticed that the in-game Clock has options to use and actually display either Realm time or Local time, getting local time from the user's PC settings.
Would it be possible to enhance or modify the Calendar to use the Windows Time & Language settings for Region, so that it can detect and use the "First day of week" setting from the Windows "Regional format data" ?

Or is that not feasible because it might require cloning all of WoW-Mania from the EN-GB version into a EN-US version?
Or would that possible conversion make the whole issue a simple to-do thing because (being Blizzlike), the retail WoW has both versions and in the US, players (with EN-US) see Sunday as the First day of the week? I don't know. I bow to the wisdom of the master of the game I admire the most.

Events also showing Local times for their start/end suggestion:
If you decide to try the suggestion, I've also seen others suggest that Calendar events should also display both Realm & Local times.
That would help players in other timezones more easily relate events to their own real-world schedules. At any rate, I was just thinking that if Calendar was being altered, the code for Events might be closely linked to it so that it would probably be a good idea to keep both in might while working on the changes.

Re: Calendar related suggestions.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:11 pm
(Sigh) And that's what I get for not using Preview on my first post:

Edits for last paragraph:
"If you decide to try the suggestion, I've also" should read: "If you decide to try the first suggestion, I've also"
"keep both in might " should read: "keep both in mind ".