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Unholy DK sub spec.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:52 am
[Unholy DK] Sub spec suggestions

Junkdk here in-game. I was just curious about which sub spec is better for Unholy, would it be blood or frost? I am currently sub specced in blood and i average about 7-8k or so. I will assume it does depend on what sort of gear I have on and what my current stats are and everything. I was just seeing if anyone would give me some ideas or suggestions. Thanks!

Also, this is my 1st forum post so if I didn't set it up right please let me know. Thanks again

Re: Unholy DK sub spec.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:06 pm
If we are talking about PvE, I believe Frost is considered to be the best Sub-Spec.

Re: Unholy DK sub spec.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:30 pm
Yes, sorry I forgot to mention for PvE, my bad lol. So frost is the better sub spec? Ok thanks for the reply, much appreciated :)