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How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:15 pm
Follow these procedures

start of the day :--->
1st log your toon
2nd vote for server
3rd relog to get today's 8 vote token
next day:--->
1st log your toon to get yesterdays voting i.e 8 vote token
2nd go vote for server
3rd re-log you toon again to get 8x vote token for today's voting

We do mistake. Do not log our toon and go for voting, Server DB has stored our 16x vote token in its database thus our vote counted is flushed by fresh 1 vote token instead of 8 or 16 vote tokens..

So always Log 1st before voting, after voting log again to get 8x + 8x ( server gives Double Vote token /day)

Max server DB stored limit is 16 vote tokens if not received by login our toon , it get wiped and counted to 1x vote token and we get 1 vote token...

Server is not storing our vote tokens ( only storing for 1 day until next day log) and instantly handing over, its our mistake we do not get it by login.......

Still want to yell for 1 vote token, no one will stop you...

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:46 pm
by Blades137
Fantastic suggestion, except for one issue, has not solved the problem for me.

I vote every 12 hours, the last 2 days, I have received practically NO vote points, to combat this, I try voting from work, same exact issue... no points are showing up, for an enitre day, have been lucky to receive 8 points.

And it goes in spurts, some days, voting is fine, others I get ZIP all day... makes no sense

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:58 pm
by LegionPrime
Same as above, sporadic - no change for me.
Did you use a particular browser?
Of course I might be unique, I am the one that can't play because of the "monster lag", but I was able to log in and do the above instructions anyways.

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:04 am
by Sierbahnn
You are not unique. It isn't working for me either.

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:15 pm
(1)voting 5 acc in 2 different pc xp and 7.
Voting 2 acc in win xp - Mozilla and opera and 3 acc in win 7 - opera, Mozilla and chrome..
Before voting use cccleaner to clean browser - cache, history cookies ...( can use internal cleaner too that comes with browser)
Note : before voting clean browser's cache, history, cookies....
( all voting i do is from different live/public ip for each account., do not ask what is that NO tip plz)
Refresh our vote site at each voting done and keep a habit of counting.
Main Issue is from our web site voting database that lags many time... and clicking is not counted,,, so click that voting site again and refresh our voting site and count our votes...

1st web site top100arena click gives 1 vote points and after voting return click gives 1 vote points, return is bug now= total 2
2nd web site Xtremetop100 click gives 1 vote points and after voting return click gives 1 vote points. = total 4 vote token
3rd gtop100 click gives 1 vote points, =total 5 vote tokens
4th Gamestop100 click gives 1 vote points , = total 6 vote tokens
5th gamingtop100 click gives 1 vote points. = total 7 vote tokens
6th MMtop100 click gives 1 vote points= total 8 vote tokens
( 6 web site gives out 6 vote tokens for clicking voting and 1st 2 vote site gives 2 vote tokens for return click )

I use voting 1+ 2 vote site that gives 4 vote tokens, 3+4 gives 2 vote token, 5+6 gives 2 vote tokens i.e total 8 vote tokens
if i miss any one voting counts in between i click again after voting..and just close tab ( i have already voted but to refresh our count i do that) ..
Blades137 --> Max limit for voting count is 8 vote tokens /Day. even if voting 2x to 4x time for same account, but it is counted in TOP VOTERS list probably..
This web site voting database lag must be take care by web site administrator to improve web site database as its lag too and not counted overall vote several times... but tricks always helps as i do ...i cant miss even single vote token..........

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:18 am
Last but not least
Let page completely loaded, then start clicking for vote site, after refresh wait for it to reload completely, other wise Voting count will not be counted as web site was loading that time.

over all recommendations : -->
1) Click voting site after voting page completely loaded
2) Log account , vote and then again re-log account toon to get vote points.
3) Try using Mobile handset internet connect it to pc , it has different IP then your current ISP/ broadband/fiber internet supplier..
this way we can vote minimum 2 account 1 with mobile and 1 with base broadband/fiber.
4) Clean your browsers cookies, cache,
5) top100arena -1st vote site has return 1 vote token bug since last 1 week. chill it may be solved soon.

Follow my guide get 7+7 vote token every day (usually it is 8+8 , weekend 16+8). Server max stacking Vt is 16 ( weekend24)

Yet complaining about vote tokens ?
Machete speaks to server : Please Server have mercy ,
Server : God has mercy but i don't ...........

Re: How to get 8 vote token instead of 1

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:33 am
Hurray Xtremetop100 got too return click bug addition to top100arena.

So we are getting 6 vote tokens since tomorrow.. do not cry, do not panic, do not depressed.. we all getting 6 vts ....