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Leveling Up

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:19 pm
by Hydriana
Hello all,

i was wondering how to get my hands on some heirloom gear, in the client they referring to it.. I would like the extra 25% XP to get to the late game faster.. Leveling up with the 2x speed still takes ages..

Any possibility to fasten this process ?


Re: Leveling Up

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:45 pm
by Convex1
As a first time char, u can get some loom gear by donating and buying some maniac points then u can puchase some pieces ( dont recomend this, rather get VIP then). Or as u lvl u get mps as u hit certain milestones. Level 20: 10MP , Level 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80: 15MP. Then once u have enough can use the mall teleporter, that u get at lvl 10 and buy loom gear from vendor. Queuing rdf once lvl 15 i think will also grant u 1mp per run.
But the main source, is vote eveyday and get your 6 vote tokens. which can be converted to maniac points, after a few days u can buy another loom piece.

Get easier as u do another char, as the same loom gear might be sent to the second char pending on gear type.