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Some questions...

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:45 pm
Hi everybody!

My name is Tahayan and I play this game since 2 weeks, almoust. I have some questions to you and to GMs also. First of all, I wanna tell you that I’m very happy that I can play this game on this patch and I have hope we stay at this patch. I don’t like pandaria etc. That’s the reson I don’t play orginal WoW because of character changing skill system and adding useless classes like panda, demon etc. So again, I’m very happy to be here with all of you.

Let’s start my questions. First, why or for what is global chat 6, for both nations (Horde and Alliance) open? That make/do more mess and missunderstung ever. For example I was asking about „where to enter Darkmoor event” and got only answer from Horde player, (I’m playing on Alliance side) so I was confussing a lot. I just don’t understand it, why it is so and for what is this good? Btw, can we change world channel, Alliance only?

Duo, secound question; vote system seems doesn’t work properyty as it should. I voted God know how manny times and get 0 vote poinst on website, 7 VT(vote tokens) in game. So website did’t show this „added” points. Someone should repair it.

Tre, 3th question; in game dungeons lvl20~30 why players are so.. well how to write so no one get hurt? Well, why players and so less inteligent who join dungons? I wait whole day to finally got this healer, over 12H waiting time and finally..dungon! I was so happy. My happyness was not long. First one DD just leave, because. Then healer afk with no reason..and DCed, then I was Tank, healer and DD..yeah! Druid save the of you can hide now pls. So I was not able to kill last boss alone, it crit me 1 hit. So dungon fail... So players if you 100% sure you join dungeon please stay there and play, don’t leave! It should be 24h ban to dungeons for players who made this jokes!. It’s wase of my and others time! I don’t tell about rolling all items on „need” almoust from all in dungeon, that’s ok. I know peoples are greed as hell but just join and quick leave after should be banned! So GM add this debuff to player who just leave dangeon too rush if possible.

Quanto, 4th Question; this is ore important question. I have bought some herilooms items, and I saw it’s account binding. How can I transfer this items to mine 2nd character on the same account? Anyone know?

So that’s all from me. I hope someone give me answers.

Have a nice day!


Re: Some questions...

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:14 am
Sorry you didn't get answers sooner, and maybe you have them already by now. But if not:

1. Global Chat is for both Horde and Alliance. And it is the only chat people use for getting groups together for raids and dungeons, selling and buying, making jokes, everything.

2. Voting is always buggy. Sorry. Usually your votes come to you later, even a week later. Also, for some reason using the Microsoft Edge gives good results (I have tried Chrome, Opera, Firefox). But it is still buggy, and not because of the server here, but the voting sites.

3. There are many inexperienced players here who won't know dungeon tactics. Also, because you level so fast here, many experienced players don't do dungeons because the gear is soon useless, so most people quest until 80. There are people who do dungeons while leveling, of course, but they always complain about the long wait times.

4. To transfer items between characters on the same account, you can mail them.

Re: Some questions...

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:33 am
Thank you for answers.