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Worgen - Argent Tournament

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:57 pm
by Cyric
I'm curious to know, since Worgen weren't actually introduced until Cataclysm (I believe)...

Are they able to do the Argent Tournament quests since they aimed at specific races? (On this server) I know it was fixed in retail by allowing them to represent Darnassus. (Goblins would have the same issues too)


Re: Worgen - Argent Tournament

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:01 am
by Intertwined
I havent made it this far into the server yet, but i would guess that worgen represent Darnassus here as well due to starting out in the same starter point as night elves.

Re: Worgen - Argent Tournament

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:31 pm
by Cyric
Intertwined wrote:
Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:01 am
I havent made it this far into the server yet, but i would guess that worgen represent Darnassus here as well due to starting out in the same starter point as night elves.
If it does work, as I stated in my original post I'm pretty sure they do represent Darnassus. The reason I'm asking, is in the original retail iteration of WoW, Goblins and Worgen weren't an actual playable race until CATA came out and even when it did and they were playable. They weren't immediately able to compete in the argent tournament. They fixed it in a patch.

I'm asking here because of the few level 80 Worgen I have been in contact within the game, none of them had any desire to compete in the argent tournament so they didn't know.

My question is simply to determine if this is something the devs on this server have addressed or not? I'm leveling a Worgen Hunter and would like to be able to do this content when I hit 80.
