Anyone else having Voting Problems?

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by VOUSALAN » Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:31 am

First the basics:
1. You can vote once every 24h per site.
2. Each IP will count only once (Only the account you voted from will be able to receive the vote points).
3. You must be logged in to our website for the votes to count.
4. The vote points will go to the FIRST character you log on for the day. You can still move them around.


1. login to
2.Click on your account name:
3. Click VOTE, select each of the banners:
4. Do the captcha's correctly then hit VOTE:
5. Click on the WOW-MANIA Banner to return to the website:
We reward double Vote Points during weekends.

What can go wrong?
1. The voting site may not successfully register your vote (This is not our fault and we can unfortunately not do anything about that).
2. Someone in your household already voted from your IP address.
3. If you are using a proxy or VPN you might not get the reward.

You should also pay attention to your in-game chat once you login to your account.

If you encounter any problems by not receiving Vote Points there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do.
Keep in mind that the voting websites are the third party and not WoW-Mania related. We are not able to fix any kind of other issues according to the websites. Therefore we are unable to reward the vote points.
Thank you,
Senior Game Master, Developer
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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by Rainbowkiss » Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:29 am

Vousalan, mine was not some sort of accusation toward mania, but i hoped you could contact the various sites and tell them "WTF u doin??" since by goin to their websites u/we provide them with a high amount of indirect income (they have tons of adds and banners)...i'm ok with it but givin em free food for nothing well it bothers me a bit.
I do not pretend to have the points ofc, how could you verify?

Edit: just gived it another try, got 4 out of least somethin :?

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by Zombify » Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:16 am

Having the same issues accept sometimes I get 6 sometimes I get less, or sometimes I get none at all. I always vote the same way so I don't understand. I know this post is a few days old but figure i'd share my experience aswell.

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by graf » Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:54 pm

I used to get 2 points every day, but on the last month none is giving me back vote points... and i do the whole process everytime (click banner, input captcha, vote, click on the banner to return...) one by one or all at the same time.
We are losing positions on the vote sites as people are giving up due to no results.

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by Ankx » Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:54 pm

Still having the same problem.
Doing everything like i should ect ect.
Its just not working anymore :)
Mainly 1 or 0 vote points.
If this stays, im not bothering to vote anymore.. Kinda waste of time. To bad the server is losing position because of not getting votes.

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by Game61218 » Mon Sep 19, 2022 8:58 am

I had the same problem some time ago
Have a good day~
Buy 2k mt at a6k.

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Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by Blades137 » Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:00 am

Make sure you log onto your account BEFORE you vote.

I vote the same time every day, when I get home from work about 11:30pm-12:00am EST (and I only vote once a day)

I pick up my 6 points (12 on weekends) first, then log onto the site and vote, log back in and pick up my 2nd set of 6 points.

Done this consistently for over a year without a single problem, and on two separate accounts (One Ally, one Horde)

Voting from different IP's can mess up your voting, as can logging into the game from a different IP (you won't get your points).

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:54 am

Re: Anyone else having Voting Problems?

Post by kidjaa » Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:10 am

I have been having the same issue.

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