Terms of Service

WoW-Mania is a lively community maintained and supported by enthusiasts and professionals that love what they do. We provide this website and its services to those that wish to join and spend their time in a friendly and relaxing environment. It is our goal to establish a friendly, helpful and enjoyable community. As with any other community some rules are needed to maintain the order and respect among its members. This page describes such rules and regulations.

All rules described on this page can, and most certainly will, evolve as the community grows and matures. WoW-Mania and its owners reserve the right to modify, add or remove any of the rules described below without notice.

We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel the service of any user at any time.
By registering an account on our server you agree to the following rules with all the terms and conditions and will abide by them.
You agree that you are personally responsible for the consequences that may result if you break these rules.
It is strictly forbidden to give access to your account to others, be that a friend or anyone else. If found out this will result in an immediate ban.
You are responsible for safeguarding your account and password. Any actions performed by anyone logging into your account will be attributed to you.

Forum Rules:
  1. Do not initiate flaming or bashing topics against the server. Find the right way and place to expose your views in order to improve the server.
  2. Do not post cheating, exploits, offensive, racist, religious or sexual content material in the forum.
  3. Do not harass GMs, Moderators or community members.
  4. Do not argue with staff members. If you disagree with something send a private message or contact the administration.
  5. Do not advertise or try to promote another server in any way. This will be dealt with an instant ban with no appeal.

In-game Rules:
  1. Do not cheat or break the intended rules of the game. That include exploits found in the game (if you find one inform a GM).
  2. Do not use hacks, bots or any type of memory injection program. The use or promoting the use of any hacking, automation or exploiting tool will be met with an immediate permanent ban.
  3. Do not bash or criticize the server in world chat. Use the proper channels to improve the server.
  4. Do not harass GMs, Moderators or community members.
  5. Do not advertise or try to promote another server in any way. This will be dealt with an instant ban with no appeal.
  6. Do not use offensive or vulgar language in world chat, if that is your thing do it in private.
  7. Do not disturb others during world events, either join the fun or leave the area.
  8. Do not accept, offer or initiate Arena "win trading". This will get your team deleted, your points and items removed and/or even banned.
  9. Do not accept, offer or initiate Arena "dodging". This will get your team deleted, your points and items removed and/or even banned.
  10. Do not attempt to scam for RAF boosts. This will get you banned.
  11. Do not create characters or pets with offensive names (in any language). You will be forced to rename it.
  12. Do not trade goods, items, or gold for coins (or real money) in any circumstances. This affects the server income and is explicitly forbidden.
  13. Do not stop others from playing or enjoying the game in any way. Ex.: Killing AH or bank NPCs for a prolonged amount of time.
  14. Do not intentionally cheat (in any way) so that it breaks the intended rules of the game. That includes exploits found in the game. If you find one inform a GM.
  15. Do not let others use or account as you will be responsible for anything they do.
  16. Multiboxing is allowed (up to 5 accounts) but it should be practised within common sense. Do not get into quest areas or disrupt game playing of others in any way.
  17. Dual-logging or Multiboxing is NEVER allowed in PvP areas and it may get you a permanent ban.
  18. Any links that incite Spam on Worldchat will be met with a mute.
  19. Keep PvP banter/debates in the PvP zones, be mindful of other players.
  20. No politics, religion or racism in World chat.

IMPORTANT: We will delete any account that remains inactive (not a single login) for over 18 months. The deletion is final with no chance of recovery.

Donation Rules:
  1. All donations and purchases are final. No exchanges or moves.
  2. We will not provide refunds under any circumstances.
  3. Any attempts to reverse or dispute a donation will be met with an immediate and permanent ban.


[email protected]

Last updated on Nov 14th, 2023