I’m newb, come here for advices from veterans

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I’m newb, come here for advices from veterans

Post by mrpoison188 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:05 pm

I just start 1 week ago, really have good experiences with this server.
I have not played WOW before, so have fews question, hope you guys can help me.

1. I saved Maniac Point for heirlooms that give bonus EXP, skip weapon, trinket because they have no EXP benefit. Is it ok? Because I read some wowhead guides and none of them tell me heirloom good for lvling or raid. And what items I should save Maniac Point to buy?

2. If I donate what item I should buy? I thought pet will helpful but my character is hunter, and seem like Hunter can’t use 2 pet right?

Thanks you guys for reply!

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Re: I’m newb, come here for advices from veterans

Post by ZINIUS » Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:49 pm

Hello mrpoison188

1. Usually players do use Maniac Points for heirlooms, heirlooms + the default x2 XP (x4 bonus XP at weekends)
helps to level faster yes

While some players just level with the x2 x4, this is up to you

2. Many people chose to donate for the VIP, this is very helpful
(pets are toys only, not battle pets) so IMO dontion for pets is not helpful
Correct, Hunters can only have 1 pet out to fight with you

3. Maniac points can be saved up for many helpful things,
Can be exchanged for EoT / EoF
Can be used for profession boosts
Can be used for mounts / Gear
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Game Master Zinius

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Re: I’m newb, come here for advices from veterans

Post by womptista » Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:37 pm

Heirlooms are good for leveling as some provide an XP bonus. They will also scale up with you as you level, Just remember to remove the item from your character and then re-equip it to have it scale to you.

Hunters can have 2 pets 1 pet is used for helping you in battle (a pet your charmed) the other pet is just a cosmetic pet that follows you around and does nothing but look pretty.

Donation for pets (as said before) are not worth it. Honestly, play your character, get to know your character. If you want to do a donation I would wait on end game content and possibly donate on that piece of gear that you have been after and yet seem to lose every roll on.

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