Returning to game

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Returning to game

Post by Lyrilin » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:35 pm

I have been gone from the game for almost 2 years due to computer problems. Bought a new laptop and reloading everything. Came back into the game flying lol and no idea how to go downwards just senior moment I know but until I get my new mouse today am stuck with just my keyboard. Help please? lol

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Re: Returning to game

Post by VOUSALAN » Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:02 pm


Spacebar is default for jump and also ascend where as X key is default for sitting and descending.

Best Regards,
Thank you,
Senior Game Master, Developer
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Re: Returning to game

Post by Lyrilin » Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:30 am


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